Rev. Sunil Singh Nallathambi
(B.TH, BD, M.TH, pursuing D.TH)
President, Gilgal Gospel Mission and Indian Theological Seminary
Department: Christian Ministry (Communication & Mission)
Contact: ggmsunil@gmail.com / 9488882221
Mrs. Thehil C. Russelliah Singh
(BA, BD, M.TH, pursuing D.TH)
Vice President, Gilgal Gospel Mission and Indian Theological Seminary
Department: Old Testament
Contact: ggmthehil@gmail.com / 312-885-3059

Dr. Mariamma John
(B.SC, BD, M.TH, D.TH)
Department: New Testament
Contact: mariyammajames@yahoo.com / 9847546937
Mr. Tonminlen Haokip
(BA, BD, M.TH,)
Department: Missiology
Contact: haokiptonminlen6@gmail.com / 8132085087

Rev. Dr. M T Cherian
(BD, MA, M.TH, D.TH)
Core Faculty
Department: Religion
Contact: dr.cherianmt@gmail.com / 9071329623
Rev. Dr. Biju S. Thankachan
(BSc, BD, MBA, M.TH, D.TH)
Faculty Secretary / Dean of Students
Department: Christian Theology
Contact: 123bijust@gmail.com / 6282215627

Ms. Chanreila Shangh
(BD, M.TH, pursuing D.TH)
Faculty Library In-charge
Department: Social Analysis
Contact: chanreilashangh@gmail.com / 8056648262
Faculty Library In-charge
Department: Church History
Contact: prabhaarvindsingh@gmail.com / 9665023940

Mrs. Shiny Susan Shabu
(BA, MSW, M.Phil., PG Diploma in Counselling)
Public Relations Officer / Admission Counselor / Student Counselor
Department: English, General Studies & Psychology
Contact: shinysusansshabu@yahoo.co.in / 9445476970
Mrs. Jisha Koshy
(BD, M.TH)
Practical Ministry Secretary
Department: New Testament
Contact: jishakoshy75@gmail.com / 7259833254

Mr. Mekala Lazarus Alexander
(B.D., P.G.Dip., M.TH)
Department: Religion
Contact: lazarusalex0@gmail.com / 9676629778
Mrs. Sujata Patro
(MA, B.Ed)
Warden – Girls
Department: English & General Studies
Contact: 9836359484

Ms. Keziyamol Aju
(BD, M.TH,)
Department: Old Testament
Contact: keziyamolaju@gmail.com / 9188545148
Mr. Apotho
(BD, M.TH,)
Warden – Boys / Sports Coordinator
Department: Communication
Contact: Napospoji@gmail.com / 9612665275 / 8787385492

Mr. Gibin Varghese
(BD, M.TH)
Department: Christian Theology
Contact: gibin714@gmail.com / 8113894611
Mr. Lijo K Johny
(BD, MSW, M.TH, PG Diploma in Christian Managements, Pursuing D.Th)
Faculty On Study Leave
Department: Christian Ethics and Theology
Contact: evg.lijo@gmail.com / 7358473318